Blog Post Title Suggestion Tool – Keyword Winner

So how exactly did I come up with the title of this blog post? You think its wise to just randomly put together words and hope people will find your blog post? Think again! If you want to succeed in the online making money world, research is key. Now sure this research could take you hours and hours to do, and finding the right keywords can be a big pain. But what if its as easy as pressing one button, and your keywords that you should use are displayed right in front of you? Well the future is here, Keyword Winner is what every blogger these days needs and can easily be purchased for just the price of a dinner for two!

Now how exactly did I use Keyword Winner for the title of this blog post? Well a picture speaks a thousand words, so I created a little snippet of what I searched for right inside my blog post itself! Keyword winner makes it super easy to do, and automatically gives you a couple of suggestions, and then its just a matter of finding the right keyword combination to give you the edge over your competition! Take a look below:

So what exactly did I do? Well I wanted to find out the best title for this blog post, so I typed in various keywords to do the job, and searched each one directly inside my wordpress blog post page. The picture itself took longer to make than the actual searches and finding the title that I was going to use! It really is that easy and fast. The title that I used, was the “Blog Post Title Suggestions Tool” above that is marked in the yellow. Now what I did, was just append Keyword Winner to the end of it, so people would know what the actual tool is, and I could potentially rank for searches that include the actual name of the tool as well. However, I am still going to rank for the original title, even if I appended the Keyword Winner at the end, so no harm is done here!

You can also see that the other various keywords are probably too dificulut to rank for, and since I’m super busy with my other niche sites, affiliate projects, and internet marketing ventures, theres no way I have time to build backlinks for all my posts, and would rather pick a keyword with possibly less searches, but with a higher chance of ranking first on Google! Now to make this deal even sweeter, I’ll throw in my Google Caffeine eBook that I created to help with SEO and the basics of ranking in Google, and some things to consider with your SEO, backlinks, and social media as Google keeps on changing how it ranks sites these days! Watch this short video below to learn more!

So there you go guys, this is my complete analysis of Keyword Winner, Dan Lew made a great product and hes a great friend of mine, so defnitely check out Keyword Winner here, and if your looking for SEO tips and tricks, make sure to visit his blog at Make Money Online With SEO.

Purchase Keyword Winner Now!

Dino Vedo

My passion has been online advertising and building companies. As a successful entrepreneur, I have built a large number of multi-million dollar brands and I'm always looking for other opportunities to grow, network, and make a difference in the world.

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