Tweet Adder Coupon Code

Why Twitter? I was asked just the other day. Actually I’m asked this regularly. Seems as those that have heard the word Twitter, have heard it only in passing. Others stare blankly away reflecting on the account they setup, while not knowing what to do next.

It’s like… Well, it’s like me prior to Jan 09. The only difference between you and I is that I have taken the time to learn the secrets of Twitter. I guess there is another difference. Your reading and I’m writing. Now, if you follow the advice I will be sharing, you’ll see nothing but net for your business, cause, organization, team, group or what have you. One of the easiest and fastest methods of getting twitter followers is through automation. This is where I can help you with the Tweet Adder Coupon Code!

Tweet Adder is the newest breakthrough software to simplify all of the Twitter mayhem! It is what I use and is proven to work! Just check out my huge twitter followers of OVER 25 THOUSAND AND GROWING DAILY!


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#1: 3 Reasons – Why Twitter

Unlike other social networking platforms, Twitter provides a quick way for you to tweet your message to a niche audience who is ready to hear what you have to say. Not having the 140 character limit imposed leaves a person open to ramble endlessly with next to nothing to say. Focus, focus, focus – In today’s world its the only way.

Hardcore Filters in Tweet Search, Profile Data Search,
  • keyword
  • location
  • recency
  • language spoken
  • ability to remove profiles with default picture
  • ability to remove profiles with urls in tweets or biography

#2: 3 Reasons – Why Twitter

As I said, I joined Twitter in Jan 09. There was just over 1 million Tweepers involved then. Today, just 6 months later, Twitter is closing in on 3 million accounts. Thus, either there is one person who needs to get a life or Twitter is a social movement on fire.

Have you ever heard “it’s best to follow a trend”?

I would disagree. Rather, find out where the trend will be and be there first.

Automated Tweet Search Locates users to follow who tweeted a matching filter or keyword

Example Searches include (combine to form more complex searches)

  • containing a word: twitter
  • Containing multiple words:  twitter marketing
  • Negation:  twitter -marketing
  • Exact phrase:  “twitter marketing”
  • OR:  twitter OR tweets
  • Containing a hash tag:  #twitter
  • Not From a user:  -from:username
  • To a user:  to:username
  • Mentioning a user:  @username

#3: 3 Reasons – Why Twitter

Actually, I can’t think of one reason not to Twitter. No matter if your cause is business, political, social, religious or other. Twitter is where you need to be. Twitter has been the fastest growing social network in existence so far.

It is powerful

It is useful

It is Twitteriffic

Unfortunately, it is also very confusing for beginners. It’s my personal opinion that Twitter will fast be a tool of the past if the creators of this fine service don’t continue to hone it and make it easier to use. However, for now the world is turning to Twitter and as such people like myself will do our best to provide steps to understanding Twitter like the ones below.

Automated Following Features

  • Never follow the same person twice
  • Special BlackList to block following to specific people
  • Auto Follow Twitter Users – Fully Control Twitter following with Follower Ratio, Max # of follows per day
  • Auto Follow Stop Feature – Automatically stops when Twitter follow limits are reached
  • Random Time Delay Settings- You choose what time intervals between follows, unfollows, tweets, and direct messages

STEP 1: Twitters Unlike Other Social Networks

That’s important to understand even before you create your Twitter account. Yet, if you have already created an account it can be equally important afterward. With other social networks you log on and…

* Create a huge profile page

* Join countless groups

* Weed through numerous unnecessary options

Not Twitter.

Here you have 160 characters for your bio, answer a couple more quick questions and you’re away into the Twittersphere. Therefore, you need to understand that the words you apply to that short bio are critical to who does and does not find you on Twitter. Which means that if you want to talk to people about chocolate, words like “hello, my name is” and the like aren’t likely to give you a great deal of mileage in reaching your audience.

Automated UnFollowing Features

  • Ability to unfollow ALL except your personal WHITELIST
  • Auto Unfollow Twitter Users: Unfollow by #, follower to follow ratios, users who do not follow back with time frames
  • Safe White List: Create a list of twitter users to never unfollow

STEP 2: Twitter Etiquette Is Followed

Be a good Twitter citizen and watch your popularity soar quite quickly.

* If you’re followed by someone follow them back.

* If you receive an RT (ReTweet) or other nice gesture reply with “Thank You”

* To receive more RT’s plus many more nice things give RT’s and be nice.

I had a person from the UK contact me with awesome advice for my website which I quickly followed. In my own case, I sent him some healthy dark chocolates from my company as a thank you. I’ve received stickers absolutely free and made some very nice joint ventures. You’ll need to

decide what works for you.

Automated Tweet Features

  • Automated Tweets post throughout the day
  • Post Tweets to Facebook, Linkedin, and Myspace!!
  • Unique Tweet Generator – creates unique tweets automatically
  • RSS Tweets – tweets any RSS feed whether from your blog updates, or any other source
  • @Reply Tweets – post a random tweet @someone who posts a tweet directed @you
  • Re-Tweets- Automatically retweet another user
  • Url shortener – Shorten long URLs automatically
  • Mp3 Poster – Bands and artists can upload Mp3s to and share on twitter
  • Symbols – Access to special UTF8 characters like stars, arrows, and smileys
  • Link History – Easy access to previously shortened URLs and Mp3s
  • Post Tweets with random time delay

STEP 3: Don’t Be A Stranger

I know life is busy.

That’s the way things are today. However, if you want to become part of the Twittersphere you need to first be part of the Twittersphere. In so doing I personally went from non-existent this last January to one of the top one percentile on Twitter in June of the same year.

While I certainly have more strategies than just these that have helped me to succeed on Twitter, without being present on a regular basis I would have gone absolutely no where.

Check out the screenshot below for proof!


Follow the above steps to understanding Twitter and you will indeed succeed to find the people you need to find for making your own Internet success story.


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Dino Vedo

My passion has been online advertising and building companies. As a successful entrepreneur, I have built a large number of multi-million dollar brands and I'm always looking for other opportunities to grow, network, and make a difference in the world.

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